About Me

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St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Remembering that today is a brand new day. Another opportunity to make things better, do better and be better.

Monday, April 16, 2012


There has been a number of great things happening in my life lately. I am really excited about all of the new opportunities, changes, and adventures that have presented themselves. I will share a few things with you now but not everything as I would hate to jinx myself on some of those aspects.

First, I got a promotion at work. You are now looking at GatewayCDI's new Inventory Planner/Buyer. I can finally get off the phones and won't have to deal with argumentative customers any more. I will be dealing primarily with vendors and management (a whole new dragon of headaches, I'm sure).

After taking a close look at the way my life has turned out, I really admire the woman I am becoming. I've been a responsible person for as long as I can remember, but I now see an adult peering back at me when I look into the mirror.

In celebration of my promotion and new phase of life, Angel and I decided to have an Impromptu Photo Shoot at her house.

I'm sure you guys have noticed by now that I love taking photos:

There are more announcements to come. I will not leave you all hanging. I will tell you as the months unfold.

Still a work in progress

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Truth About Getting What You Want

It's all fun and games and positive affirmations when you're trying to accomplish something. But how about when you actually get the gig and you’re like “Oh Sh*t!”, what do I do now? How will I have time for this and everything else on my plate? What if I don’t live up to expectations?

This is it. This is what you’ve prayed about, visualized, and spoke into existence. And now that it’s here in your lap, you’re freaking out.

Maybe I shouldn’t speak for you. You’re probably poised and capable at all times. Not a hair or a mission statement out of place. That’s okay. I see you. And one of these days I’ll be like you.

But for now, I freak out. I question myself and I worry. All the while, there’s a calm place inside of me that knows without a shadow of doubt that doors will open, growth will occur, and amazing things are ahead. I try to live from that place as much as possible and let its enduring calm reign over my thoughts and my perception of things.

While on the subject of thoughts, I haven’t achieved supreme mastery over my thoughts just yet. Wouldn’t that be lovely? I feel like I’d be a zen rock star if I had complete control over my many musings.

No mean thoughts. No bad memories resurfacing. No paranoia.

But even with my wanderlust of a mind, I do know how to redirect my thoughts when they turn disturbia. First, you can’t dwell on things that bring you down. Second, no overthinking. Finally, no player hating or cock blocking. Even the mental kind. Those things cause inertia. Inertia keeps you from getting what you really want.

We know that getting what we want can be scary, so let’s all take a moment and make a list of what we are so afraid of. Let’s call the monsters out! Having a dream fulfilled is supposed to be a triumphant moment, so what are the drawbacks (whether real or bogus) that cause us to get cold feet when opportunity knocks? I’ll go first!

I worry that…

…my children, relationship, family and friends will not receive enough attention and support from me if I’m so occupied with my career and personal projects

…I won’t have the creative capacity to keep coming up with fetching ideas, thus my work will get boring

…people won’t “get” me/won't receive me well

…my income won’t be reliable or sustainable

...as an introvert, I'll struggle with networking and other ghastly things that I don't enjoy but are necessary

...I'll quit when things get tough.

What else? Share your little thought monsters with me below. I bet they'll seem small and unreasonable when you see them written down.

by GG of Peace, Love and Pretty Things

Still a work in progress

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If We Were Friends

Let me set up the scenario. You’re sitting on a bus or waiting in your doctor’s office when you see a young woman, visibly upset, sitting by herself in a far corner. She looks shaken, tired. She may even look as though she’s been crying. Your initial reaction may be to walk over and whisper a kind word, lean in and give her a warm hug or just offer a bit of advice. But you stop yourself for various and sometimes obvious reasons. We all have boundaries and in an effort to respect others, sometimes we keep to ourselves and fight an inward struggle. We may even attempt to come up with alternatives to let the other person know that they’re not alone.

Well, I know I have been in the above situation. Having a bleeding heart like mine makes it difficult for me to just look the other way, so sometimes I find myself offering a Kleenex and an understanding smile. I never ask and I seldom even utter a word. I just hope that my actions are enough. With that said, I felt inspired to write an open letter to all my dolls who may be going through some emotional turbulence right now. I typically don’t title within posts, but I figured this letter could use one.

If We Were Friends

If we were friends, I would tell you that your tears aren’t tears of defeat, but they’re tears of resolve and are cleansing your soul so that you can start again with a clean slate. I’d tell you that no matter what your situation is, it’s worth fighting through, because YOU are worth fighting for. I would remind you that though your heart feels like it’s breaking, in actuality, it’s growing and taking in new experiences. The ache that you feel is your soul and spirit growing to a larger capacity. Stretching can be very uncomfortable, especially if you haven’t done it in a very long time. Whether you’ve just ended a relationship, lost a loved one or failed miserably at something that you tried very hard to accomplish, you will be okay. There’s a reason why though you feel so crappy, you’re still breathing! The biggest reason is because you can get through this. There are people to talk to and pray with, there are things that you can do and there are still lessons for you to learn. Allow yourself to grieve, allow yourself to cry, but also allow yourself to forgive and heal. This is a page, a chapter at most in your book of life experiences. Take this opportunity to mold the remaining chapters however you choose. There’s more good and a little more bad ahead, but you’re a tough cookie. You can make it! You are loved and you are NEVER alone. In closing I want to remind you that you are, always have been and always will be, a Shatterproof Glass Doll. If you don’t know what this means, hopefully the definition will make you smile a little. A Shatterproof Glass Doll is a fragile woman who can never be broken beyond repair. That’s you honey. Arm yourself with these heartfelt words of love, empowerment and positivity and keep your head up.

by Taneica of ShatterProofGlassDolls
Still a work in progress