Still a work in progress
This life has an infinite number of potentials for you; we live in a made to order Universe. Whatever you believe is possible for you and take consistent action upon is what becomes your reality. If you keep telling yourself that your dream isn't possible, you will come to find that you are absolutely right. But my friend, if you draw a line in the sand and tell the Universe that your dreams are a reality RIGHT NOW, and take action as if that were the case, you will come to find that you are absolutely right. The question is how long can you live in the fire of your dreams' manifestation? -Jackson KiddardWhat have you been dreaming about? How do you take action as though it already exists? Start by:
What makes the people that we date feel allowed to mistreat us is our lack of boundaries and consequences for overstepping them.Many people don’t understand boundaries. In dating we get so caught up with the idea of fairness that we expect to be treated the way that we treat others but that is just not the case. Dating is not a give and take.
Many people may offer the superficial traits we are looking for but they can’t give us that feeling, we so deeply desire.This is why boundaries are so hard to set. We desperately believe that once we find this “feeling”, we must hold it at all costs. We want to set a standard but if it prevents a potential date from liking us, we falter, we bend, and we are flexible until we have no boundaries at all.
If you are afraid that they will just say no and you will lose them, you are devaluing yourself.It’s okay to want to set boundaries for the sake of laying down the law. The only way people will respect you is if they know what you stand for and you actually stand for it. Don’t make the mistake of bending the rules for some when you wouldn’t bend them for others. That is your fear in action.
8/28/10 - present |