About Me

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St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Remembering that today is a brand new day. Another opportunity to make things better, do better and be better.

Friday, December 30, 2011


"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."
~Zora Neale Hurston

I'd be lying if I said that my last relationship had not left me with reservations about pursing a new one. I am proud that I can admit the truth. My heart was broken and has been mended by time and space. But just like anything that has been shattered, some fragments have been lost and cannot be put back together.

Don't lose faith though, all my hopefuls, my heart will eventually thaw and come out to play.

Still a work in progress

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Quickly Things Change

Its amazing how things can change so quickly. One minute everything seems to be going perfectly fine. You're on cloud nine and nothing can make your feet touch the ground. The next moment you are sinking and you can barely lift your head up out of the sorrow to simply even breath.

Wondering when I will be able to take my very next deep breath. 

Still a work in progress

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Graduation is Finally Here

The day has finally come. Assignments completed, papers written, quizzes taken and exams aces (or at least passed). Who would have thought that walking across a stage and shaking sweaty hands would give one person so much pleasure (thinking of, where was the hand sanitizer? Hello? It's cold season. I wonder why their hands were so sweaty? nerves? cough? sneeze? oh the grossness...)?

Any way, today was awesome. One of the best of my life actually. Big accomplishment. The people that I loved and those that loved me showed up and showed out.

Pictures below are of family and friends as we gathered.

Before Graduation: Angel, Ma, Me, & Tauna

Angel and Me

Angel & I (after graduaton ceremony)

Brian, Angel, & I

Sandra & I

Drianne & I

Drianne & Zack

Still a work in progress

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Full Sew-In w/Invisible Part (No Glue)

My cousin, Ashley, did my hair last night. I love it. She is a full sew-in weave with an invisible part. There is absolutely no glue involved, just needle and thread. I love my hair even more than I did when I went to the salon last year and got a sew-in. I will definitely, have her do my hair again.

One w/ glasses (and shiny forehead) LOL

Thanks, Ash, I Love My Hair!

Still a work in progress

Friday, December 9, 2011

4 Reasons to Give Thanks in the Midst of Hard Times

Balance is everything. In order to have peace of mind, we must let go and allow ourselves to accept everything that life has to offer - the ups and the downs - without judgement. Highs come with lows, mistakes come with success and pleasure comes with pain. As we live through the extremes that create balance, we learn to ride the waves. We don't get to choose balance, it's divinely a part of this life. Our choice is whether we accept it or fight against it. When we look for meaning in the unpleasant and uncomfortable things that happen in our lives, we learn to embrace a consistent energy of gratitude that can sustain us through any and everything.

In the spirit of embracing balance, consider the following opportunities to give thanks even in the midst of hard times:

*Thanks for broken relationships. This one's for the relationships that didn't last. Over and over we ask ourselves what we could have done differently. But if every relationship is about growth and development, then there are times that we just have to let go once we learn what we are meant to learn. We can be thankful for the presence of mind to move beyond the emotion and look for the growth. Somewhere beyond the grief and pain is an important lesson waiting to be learned.

*Thanks for disappointment. Life is challenging. There will be change, discomfort, betrayal, misunderstandings, obstacles, mysteries, and grief. We will at times feel lost and forgotten. There will be situations that seem unfair. What looks bad today, can turn around and bless us tomorrow. We should ultimately be thankful for all these things because they are necessary detours we have to take to get where we're going. We can't avoid disappointment, but we can reframe how we think about it.

*Thanks for criticism. Let's be thankful for the critics in our lives that push us to gain a firmer understanding of who we are. Through criticism we learn to develop a thick skin and a strong sense of self. Thanks to criticism, we learn that we can't please everyone, so we might as well shine and be fulfilled from within. Likewise, we can stop taking everything so personally and looking for reasons to feel sorry for ourselves. Some criticism is constructive and some is not, but we have to go through it to learn the difference.

*Thanks for being alone. Many of us fear separation; the idea of being alone, and seemingly unwanted can be terrifying. We keep buffers around to avoid spending too much time on our own. There's a special kind of wisdom that comes from appreciating and cherishing time alone. Sometimes we have to step out on our own and make a new way. Sometimes we have to spend time alone to discover that special thing that we love to do. We don't necessarily welcome that alone time at first. But here's to loving yourself enough to take time out to relate to your inner world, even when it's not easy to do so.

What challenging aspects of life are you thankful for? Can you think back on difficult situations that you've faced and see the opportunities for growth and self-awareness?

by GG of PeaceLoveandPrettyThings

Still a work in progress

Monday, December 5, 2011

Men Not Afraid ...

...to express their feelings of their love of a woman

makes be wish I was 'She'

 no words even needed, he can't wait to get you home

La canción se llama "Te Amo Tanto". Puede cantar a mí en español cada vez que quiere.
The song is called 'Te Amo Tanto.' He can sing to me in spanish whenever he wants.

Still a work in progress

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I am thankful for many things - good and bad. Everything I have gone through have molded the woman I am today. I love me and I wouldn't change any of it.

Still a work in progress

Your Dreams Are a Reality Right Now

This life has an infinite number of potentials for you; we live in a made to order Universe. Whatever you believe is possible for you and take consistent action upon is what becomes your reality. If you keep telling yourself that your dream isn't possible, you will come to find that you are absolutely right. But my friend, if you draw a line in the sand and tell the Universe that your dreams are a reality RIGHT NOW, and take action as if that were the case, you will come to find that you are absolutely right. The question is how long can you live in the fire of your dreams' manifestation? -Jackson Kiddard
What have you been dreaming about? How do you take action as though it already exists? Start by:


Talking about it in the present tense

Expressing gratitude for it

Setting small milestones as part of your longer term goals

Being patient as it unfolds

Start now.

Still a work in progress

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Music I Have on Repeat

Robin Thicke (hot) and Paula Patton (absolutely gorgeous) shows us that just because we may fight in your relationships, there may be love still left.

Then there is Cee Lo green and Melonie Fiona, no words are even needed. Just listen to the words

Still a work in progress

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Are You Afraid Of Setting Boundaries In Your Relationship?

How many times have you dated someone who treated you less than you deserved to be treated?

How many times have you dated someone who made you feel undervalued?

Many times when we feel unappreciated in dating, it’s because we haven’t set clear enough boundaries of how we want to be treated. Don’t assume that others will make you a priority, that others will be proud of you, that others will put your feelings first, even above their own. Why not, that is how you would treat the person that you’re dating. Except dating isn’t about reciprocity. It’s a showcase of talents, what someone is capable of.

If your capabilities fit the needs of someone else’s then you have a match.

Unfortunately, when our abilities don’t fit that need or their facilities don’t fit our own, we overcompensate by doing what someone else wants instead of what we want.You might call that compromise but what makes us feel devalued is the expectation that we will always be the one to bend. The expectation that you are okay with treatment that you’re not okay with is why we feel taken advantage of.
What makes the people that we date feel allowed to mistreat us is our lack of boundaries and consequences for overstepping them.
Many people don’t understand boundaries. In dating we get so caught up with the idea of fairness that we expect to be treated the way that we treat others but that is just not the case. Dating is not a give and take.
Single people are looking for someone who fits their criteria and can supply them with the feelings that they need. We date to feel not to get. If you make someone feel ‘special’ they will go far beyond for you than you may ever do for them and that feeling cannot be replicated. What one person makes you feel can’t just be found in someone else. This is why we have such a hard time finding partners.
Many people may offer the superficial traits we are looking for but they can’t give us that feeling, we so deeply desire.
This is why boundaries are so hard to set. We desperately believe that once we find this “feeling”, we must hold it at all costs. We want to set a standard but if it prevents a potential date from liking us, we falter, we bend, and we are flexible until we have no boundaries at all.

When the person we are dating expects us to accept behaviors that we don’t find acceptable that is crossing a boundary. When you’re dating someone who expects you to come to their house, and never volunteers to come to your house that may be crossing a boundary. It is up to you to say, no. We have to share the responsibility.
If you are afraid that they will just say no and you will lose them, you are devaluing yourself.
It’s okay to want to set boundaries for the sake of laying down the law. The only way people will respect you is if they know what you stand for and you actually stand for it. Don’t make the mistake of bending the rules for some when you wouldn’t bend them for others. That is your fear in action.

We fail to set boundaries because we are afraid that the person of our desire will leave us if we aren’t accommodating. You have to find the strength to let go of this apprehension. Anyone comfortable with making you do things that disrespect yourself isn’t worth the hassle.

Your boundaries allow you to maintain your self-worth and value. They create the foundation of what makes you feel good because you’re being treated in a way that you feel you deserve. Why would you want to be with someone who essentially is treating you less than you’re worth?

The idea of boundaries is to state clearly what you feel like you’re worth. You can’t be treated as high value in a low value relationship. Only when the person you’re dating understands that you won’t settle for less, is when you’ll begin to get more.


** I am working on taking that advise***

Still a work in progress

Friday, November 11, 2011

Who are you in the face of disappointment?

Every one enjoys a good day. One in which happiness and joy are just around the corner. When you are in a relationship, everything is peachy until a problem arises. True character is built when tests are encountered. Bonds of relationships are either broken or strengthened. Real growth is achieved when curve balls are tossed in the mix.

Reminding myself that roses grow in shit and diamonds are made under pressure help me weather the storms.

Mara Hruby -  Character

Still a work in progress

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Natural Hair Journey ...so far

8/28/10 - present

I decided on August 28th 2010 to no longer get a relaxer. I went to the salon, initially to get a relaxer but while I sat in the chair I changed my mind. Whenever I would leave the salon, I hated how lifeless my hair felt. I had been thinking, for some time, what it would take for me to stop getting relaxers; but I must admit I was afraid of what I would find. Don't judge me, I know I am not the first person to ever go natural and neither will I be the last but this adventure is new to me and was very scary. 
It has been 15 months since my last relaxer and 12 since I cut off all of the relaxed ends. I am still learning the do’s and don’t's of this journey but I am very much enjoying it every step of the way. I have learned so much about myself as a person and have more confidence than I have ever had. One awesome thing about being natural, you can’t really have a bad hair day. At least I don’t think so, it’s all in how you carry yourself.

Still a work in progress

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Real World Diva's Laws to Live By

by: Tanecia Phillips of Shatterproof Glass Dolls

According to Webster’s online dictionary, a diva is a distinguished female operatic singer or female operatic star. According to the urban dictionary, a diva is a bitchy woman that must have her way exactly, or no way at all. Often rude and belittles people, believes that everyone is beneath her and thinks that she is so much more loved than what she really is. selfish, spoiled, and overly dramatic. (Thanks Charmain!) According to Beyonce, a diva is the female version of a hustler. According to me a diva is a woman who carries herself with confidence and assertion and looks damn good doing it . It took me a long, LONG time to get to that point, but I have found that life is so much more fun when you live your life by your own rules and enjoy every day like it’s the first day to something really big! Everybody has their own way of perceiving the world, but I want to share with you my perception of the way I view the world around me. I’ve been told that I am very unusual and see life through a completely more fun pair of binoculars than the average gal, but hey, life’s short, sip champagne, make lots of love, buy lots of shoes and take lots of pictures. So, here’s the rules I live by. Hopefully every doll reading this will find something that they can tuck away in their purse for a rainy day.

1. Accept that you’re a diva. It’s cool, I swear. If you think there’s a negative connotation to the term, turn it into a positive one by living your life above the “title”. Ya know, it’s funny, a confident woman who knows exactly what she wants and won’t accept anything less could be viewed as a bitch, but a man who does the same thing has cojones. Things that make you go “hmmm”, right?

2. Embrace that you’re a diva. See, the thing about it, is there’s millions of people out there waiting for you to figure out how damn fabulous you are so that you can share all that fabulous, sexiness with the WORLD! What are you waiting for?

3. Take pictures, because you’re a diva. I don’t care if you live in Minnesota, the key is stepping out as if the paparazzi is at your front door. I’m not saying that you need to don heels and a fur coat just to go to Wal-Mart (lord knows, I don’t), but always be camera ready. You may run into a group of old friends and decide to go to lunch, an ex with a dreadful looking new companion, or a “prospect” (wink wink). Keep your game tight!

4. Find your “cape”. There will be days when your sexy will be a 2 on a scale from 1-10. On those days, you may not be able to bring yourself up to a full 10, but with your “cape” you can at least pull down a 5 or 6! You remember how Clark Kent was a shy news person, but became Superman once he dusted off his cape and speedos? Same rule applies for divas. On those down days, put on your “cape” to remind you that you’re fabulous, you're gorgeous and you f'ing rock! It can be anything, a pair of jeans that show off that illegally perky booty, a particular pair of earrings that show off your long neck, maybe even a sexy pair of panties or a bra! For me, it’s any pair of stilettos I can find in my closet. Something about wearing heels forces me to strut whether I want to or not. By the time I get from the parking lot to the inside of my destination, I’m ready to kick butt and take names.

5. Find your sexy selling point. Every woman had a sexy selling point. It can be anything from your giggle to your expressive eyes. Find what makes you sexy and work it. 

6. Be the girlfriend that every other girlfriend would love to have, but only few ever get the pleasure to really know. Good friends are hard to come by. For some reason, girl friends are even trickier to tack down than dudes! Listen and respond when talking on the phone, even if your favorite show is on. Show up and ALWAYS be there when it matters most to her, not you. Be that boost of confidence when hers is running low, but also know when to be that swift kick in the ass when she needs it too. Be the type of friend that you would want to have. Nobody ever needs 20 close friends. Have a close bunch that you can devote yourself to. That way, you're not spreading yourself thin!

7. Always say “please” and “thank you”. A real world diva is not a self-centered, entitled, bitchy type. A real world diva knows that it’s easier to coax ants with honey than vinegar. A diva gets her own so she doesn’t have to wait for anyone to get it for her. A real world diva is always appreciative and gracious. A real world diva remembers what her mama taught her about manners and giving respect to get respect. There will be moments when you may have to be “nice-sty”, but for the most part, being polite is so chic and never, ever goes out of style.

8.Treat your heart like a drop top convertible. By this, I mean, let down your “drop top” and enjoy what the world around you has to offer. Leave the top down so you don’t miss a beat. Sure there will be rain, hurricanes even! But there will also be beautiful sunny days and spring time flowers. Learn what you can and enjoy the rest. You can handle the bad times and good times. Trust me, I should know.

9. When it comes to your appearance, remember, what God gave you is more beautiful than anything you can buy. No matter what it is, or what you’re working with, God created it. You got a few extra pounds? Shoot you call it fat, I call it blessings. Sure, I was skinnier in college, but I didn’t have what to eat then the way I do now. God blessed me with a job so that I can afford to fill my fridge with groceries. Your boobs aren’t as perky as they once were? Take a look at that beautiful human being you brought into this world. The lord giveth and taketh. What you call wrinkles, I call blessed laugh lines. I’ll keep the wrinkles around my eyes and dimples. They're there because I’ve been laughing more than crying these last 27 years of my existence. You were fearful and wonderfully made, child. Hold your head high and accentuate your God given gorgeousness.

Taking notes where I can ...
~Still a work in progress

Shut Up

For those people that can’t keep those buzzing bees out of their ear
People are going to talk regardless. It doesn’t matter if you are in a good place or bad, people always have something to say. Even if Especially if you don’t ask for their opinion, they will want to tell you how you should live your life. Just remember, you are the only one living your life and have to deal with the choices you've made (even if you allowed someone to convince you to do that dumb thing that you did and now regret oh so much).
For those who can’t keep their two cents to themselves
Sometimes we all just need to remember to shut the f%&! up. Everything we are thinking does not need to be verbalized. The world will not end, if you keep your thoughts in yourself. Your head won't even explode if it exceeds capacity.
Remember that saying, “If you don't have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” Well, I am making a new effort to try my hardest to think before I insert foot into mouth. I know I have the tendency to have verbal diarrhea at times. I think I am entitled to tell people my thoughts because I am so smart and they just have to listen to me.
The overall lesson to leave with is for you to be careful what you say to people. They just might take your advice and repay you with a swift punch in your throat.

Still a work in progress

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The only time a person misses what they have lost is because they never thought they would lose it...treat people as more than an accessory to your life and more as a necessity to your existence.

Still a work in progress

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Selena J - Your Thoughts Determine How You Feel

Selena J: Selena J's blog postings.

I had a moment. The other day I was feeling a little down (for various reasons) and I found myself in a mental space that was completely counterproductive. I stayed there and lingered in doubt and disappointment for about 5 minutes. Then all of the sudden I asked myself, what are you doing? Why are you feeling this way? Why are you thinking this way? Then I told myself the same thing I tell others all the time. You only feel a certain way because you are thinking a certain way. If you change how you are thinking then you will change how you are feeling. So I did! Just like that I began to turn my negative and depressing thoughts into powerful and positive statements of affirmation and within minutes I began to feel better. I admit, sometimes I forget who I am. Sometimes I forget the power that I have over my life and my circumstances. But that “moment” was a good reminder for all of us that how you feel is a result of how you think. It’s all connected. If you feel depressed or angry, chances are, you are thinking depressing and angry thoughts. So how do you change that? Well first you have to be aware. You have to pay attention to what you are actually thinking. Then once you identify the thoughts that are negative, which in turn are causing you to feel negative, then you create a positive affirmation to counter the negative thought. Build yourself up. Talk yourself up. Speak positive and powerful phrases to yourself. Phrases that start off with words such as, “I have” and “I am.” What you tell yourself will either build you up or tear you down. Pay attention to what you are thinking because your thoughts determine how you feel. -love, sj

Still a work in progress

St Louis Cardinal's Day @ Work

Still a work in progress

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Protective Style Challenge

I have decided to enter into this protective style challenge. It was proposed by a natural hair community that I am associated with through Facebook. I would probably have not initially done it but my cousin proposed it so I am showing my support. Hell, I am one week short of my own natural hair anniversary. I might as well have something to show for it.

So, Trhonda is calling the challenge the 'Protective Style Challenge.' You can see all the details here. But the ultimate goal is to keep your hair in protective styles for length retention and moisture during the winter months.

The challenge is to run from today (October 1st) through February 28th!! That's a long time. It feels like I am in a relationship. (LOL. I wish, that's another post) I have even made myself a plan that I am hoping to stick to (until I get bored, anyway):

Wash and Conditioning schedule:
  • Oil/massage scalp - twice a week
  • Co-wash - one week
  • Deep condition - once a month
  • Shampoo hair - once a month 

Vitamins/Daily Supplements
  • Prenatal - one per day
  • Evening Primrose - one per day
  • Flaxseed - one per day

  • Drink at least 32oz of water everyday

Style (no more than once a week):
  • Two-strand twists
  • Finger coil twists
  • Flat twists
  • Cornrows

First style: two strand twists

My goal is to grow and retain at least 2 inched of length by February 28th. I currently have 4 1/4 inches of hair in the front  (which are looser curls) and 3 3/4 inches of hair in the back (tight, tight curls) of my head.

Wish me luck, people.

Still a work in progress

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm a Lover Not a Fighter

"No one else 'makes us angry.' We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose, not they. They merely put our attitude to a test."

- Jim Rohn

One day I'm going to reach a point where I can have anger directed at me and not respond with anger.  I'll be able to keep my cool with zen-like control and understanding.  I'll be able to look past the angry words and raised voices to see the pain and confusion that exists underneath it all.  It's not that I won't feel anger, but I'll be able to handle it in a purposeful way instead of lashing out and/or bottling up my feelings.  I'm not there yet, though. 
I don't like who I become when I allow negative feelings to take over me.  When I feel attacked, I act like a victim.  My ego completely takes over.  I lose sight of what really matters.  Being right becomes more important than being aware.    Basically, I allow factors outside of my control to dictate how I feel and how I behave.  And this goes against everything that I've learned about spiritual and emotional health.  
So, should I just condemn anger?  Or never stand up for myself?  That doesn't feel right either.  We must acknowledge all of our feelings.  
Consider the following excerpt from Health and Happiness Boosters: 
"At every given moment, we have a jetstream of feelings operating below our conscious awareness.  By bringing those feelings into consciousness, we begin to acquaint ourselves more fully with our deeper selves, and increase our capacity for joy by experiencing the full range of our feelings.  For if we cut ourselves off from any feeling, we cut ourselves off from the capacity to feel all others as well.  To truly know our joy, we must also know our anger, our sadness."
So, how do I acknowledge anger without allowing it to take over?  I'm still figuring it out.  My intention is to always speak with purpose - whether the discussion is contentious or not.  Does getting loud and angry make someone appear stronger, tougher?  Maybe to those who are only observing the surface.  But sustainable strength lies in quiet concentration and focused intention.  Art of War, anyone?  The more I see someone ranting and raving, the more foolish they appear to me.  
Here are a couple of the tactics I'm working on to control my anger: 
Detachment - When confronted or tested, step outside of yourself and the situation to view what's really going on.  Our egos tell us that if we are being yelled at or disrespected, then we must retaliate or lose credibility.  We must realize that staying calm and intelligent in heated situations is a virtue that is self-preserving and powerful. 
Self-Talk - Typically when we're reacting in anger, our self-talk goes something like this:  "WTF?  Who does he/she think they are, talking to me like that?  Are they crazy?  It's not my fault!  You're lying!  You're not listening to me!  You hurt me!  You're full of s**t!"   All of these defensive thoughts fuel our anger.  The following thoughts would help to calm us down:  "I can't control what someone else does or says.  I'm strong enough to deflect negativity. I can communicate my feelings without acting out. I can better maintain my power by staying even tempered and thoughtful.  And finally, WWJD?!?!"   (That final thought there stops me from doing A LOT of self-destructive things! Just sayin!) 
I read somewhere that "...the more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you."   What do you think?    How do you handle/diffuse anger?  Do you think it's necessary to be loud and aggressive to exert your power?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

~ posted by GG

Still a work in progress

Monday, September 26, 2011

For Freedom Not For Beauty

For Freedom Not For Beauty

There’s a beauty that lives so deep inside each of us.
There’s a fickle eye that doesn’t believe anything it sees.
There’s a benefit in love that erases all doubt and believes good intentions.
There’s an ear that isn’t free enough to give the honest man the benefit of the doubt cluttered by lies not-mentioned.

Since when is creativity subject to criticism?
When is honesty subject to a jury of fears who wouldn’t believe rain if it fell, or sun if it shined?

Sometimes a flower grows when no ones watching.
Sometimes a bird sings and no one hears.
There’s a meadow no one runs on and a cloud no one names.

And what would the sky be with out the sun?
What would the earth be with out its rose?
They’d still be the sky and the Earth.

So perhaps there is a peace in becoming.
Perhaps the meaning is in the experience and not the sight.
Maybe a flower grows because it suffocates under ground.

Whether or not she is always noticed, beauty must become.

She doesn’t look for an eye.
She doesn’t listen for a voice.
She just becomes,

For Freedom Not For Beauty

-Chrisette Michele

Still a work in progress

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Video: Tyrese 'Stay'

I love this song and the story behind it. I figured I'd share this with you. I will definitely be getting this CD when it comes out - 11.1.11

Still a work in progress

Self-Concept: New respect

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Self- Concept Thursday: On Callings, Careers, and Masterclasses by Carmen of God, Men, and Money “If I was going to be successful, I had to be successful as ...

Still a work in progress

Monday, September 19, 2011

What? Wkd's Over Already?

I had a very busy weekend - shopping, baby shower, hair, and studying. Did not get half of the things accomplished that I had set out to do.  That's okay though. I'll catch up this week.

At least I was able to take a couple of really nice pictures.

My sister and I went to our cousin's Post-arrival Baby Shower. Isn't she gorgeous?

Still a work in progress

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ain't I a Woman?

Well, children, when there is no much racket there must be something out of kilter. I that 'twist the negros of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about?

That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifter over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, o gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and not man could head me! And ain't I a woman! I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, ans seen most all off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, non but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?

Then they talk about this thing in the head; what's this they call it? Intellect? That's it, honey. What's that got to do with women's rights or negroes rights? If my cup won't but hold a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full?

Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.

If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it again, the men better let them.

Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say,

- by Sojourner Truth

Still a work in progress

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Didn't Realize

I didn't realize I needed that apology until I got one.

Growth - Progression - Enlightenment

All things needed to move forward. Had no idea I was allowing that to hold me back. My eyes have an extra twinkle in them tonight.


Steadily becoming a new woman. Seeing myself with once blinded eyes. I am proud of what's in front of me.

Growth I've had - Changes I've made

-- Still a work in progress

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Braided up do

My hair has been natural for a minute now (since October 2010). I have been busy with school so I decided to do a protective style (braids) for a while to keep my hands out of my head while I devote time to my studies.

The braids are braided all the way to the ends about a couple of inches down my back. I did an up-do because I was tired of the burned ends scratching my neck. I like this style. I will definitely be rocking this hair-do to work and class.

Decided to do some braids. This is what is looked like up.

Side view. 

Back view. 

Still a work in progress...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Until then

What do I have to offer you?
Or you, me?
I do not want to be in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship.
Not just complimenting each other but bettering each other?
I want to look forward to seeing and hearing you and just being in your presence,
Even when I can't stand you.

I want to show my love for you to you.
But I want you to do the same for me
Not because I want you to but because you want to
Feel the need to

Until then, I will love and enjoy being me
Treating myself as I should be treated
In preparation for you
Learning what I want and deserve
Readying myself to be for you who you deserve

Monday, September 5, 2011

Admission of Guilt

Sometimes its hard for us to admit to ourselves what we've done to contribute to being were we are in our lives. We want to blame that idiot that got the job over us, that person who cut us off while we were driving, or even whatever it was that made us late for a very important meeting. We neglect to acknowledge the faults of ourselves.

I have a cousin who says that basically the world is against them. The teacher didn't like 'em or the principal wanted to make an example out of them. What happened to admitting that you messed up too? Everything that happens does so because something else happened first.

I acknowledge my faults. I know what I have done to get from point A to point B. Even though my journey has not gone as planned, I have grown and learned a lot from every turn.

Once we all acknowledge our faults, maybe we can learn from them and then even appreciate them. Our faults are learning experiences that have the potential to make us better. I am a better person for all of my faults which I acknowledge and appreciate.

Beautifully flawed makes me perfectly me. I am beautiful because of my flaws. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Beauty is a Journey, Not a Destination

"As you become more intimate with your authentic self - as you recover your true, incandescent identity - there will come a gradual but undeniable physical transformation. It is absolutely impossible to commit to your spiritual growth, awaken to your own radian Light and not have it reveal itself on the outside."
** Sarah Ban Breathnach

Monday, August 29, 2011


A huge weight has just been lifted from my shoulders. I am happy that I have made it yet another day to say 'Thank you' and 'I love you.' I have come to my senses and realized that my life is awesome.

Have you ever had those days when you feel like things were moving too slowly? You look at the clock and see that what has felt like hours were only seconds? Those days when everything that could go wrong does go wrong? Or even when you couldn't see the forest because all the trees were in the way?

Sometimes, we forget how good we have it. How, this moment that we perceive to be so overbearing is not as bad as things could have been. We forget how lucky we are and that today is another opportunity to be grateful.

So, wipe your tears, clean your face. Listen to me as I cheer you on. Hell, be your own cheerleader. But if you come to the conclusion that you cannot go any further, remember that I am rooting for you and me.

Today I am that. Grateful.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Luckier Than You Think

Try not to forget that today is a blessing. Since tomorrow is not promised, live today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


There was a time in my life when I was sure that I had all my p's and q's in order. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how exactly I planned to get from point A to point B. Now, not so much. It feels like I'm on a shaky foundation and I am not quite sure where I'll end up. What graduate school am I applying to? What if I don't get in. What type of job am I gonna get after graduation. Not to mention my love life. I know things don't always  happen as planned but why does it have to be so hard at times. The 'not-knowing' is driving me half-way insane. 

I have to keep reminding myself that tomorrow will be a better day, the secrets of the world will be revealed and answers will be uncovered. I am sure though that His plan is better than mine.

me (left) & Angel, my twin sister (right)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Time Heals

A really good friend of mine told me something that was very much needed today to keep my spirits up:

... time will heal ...
but when it does heal,
it heals right

 - Drianne Tolliver

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Self-Concept - Drop Your Anger

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care:
by Leandra of What my World's Like

Anger is crippling when used improperly. We ofter act - not react - to it without knowing the feeling that's motivating action. Anger is a motivate force and when you feel it, you should always monitor your emotions. How do you feel? Angry? Hurt? Sad? Disappointed? Betrayed? Impatient? To what degree ...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why Should I Even Try?

It amazes me how cruel some people can be. I just read a news report about the body of a 3 year old finally being found after she went missing earlier this month. It breaks my heart to realize that a person can just abduct a child, kill then and toss their body away like garbage. Our world is becoming more heartless by the hour.

I haven't even said anything about the kids killing their own classmates, parents abusing their children, or teenage boys beating and killing someone just because of their skin color. Everyday I read, hear and see stories of neglect, violence, and crime. I see that the world is not improving. It makes me wonder what is the point of me wanting to better myself when all around me the world is falling apart.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Here is me

Today is going to be a new day. I introduce you to a new me and my new view on life. I am making an effort to better myself and not always rely on others. I am trying to be nicer and not just blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind. I will try to censor myself.

I am 27 years old and you would think (or at least, I would hope) that I had everything all together but I don't. Luckily, everyday presents an opportunity for me to improve myself and stop all my immature ways.
So here our journey begins. We'll discuss society, make-up, hair, weight, my classes and anything else I find interesting.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.